I have some new SVG's for ya'll, but I decided to post them tomorrow morning instead of today. To give myself a break from really organizing a post.
I just wanted to share a simple sense of joy with everyone today. My blog, videos, and projects may not be the best, in fact I KNOW they aren't! *LOL* Yet, I am bursting with pride and joy at the fact that I'm just "going for it!" It feels good to do what I want, and to follow in the footsteps of all the talent I admire online!
This is a pic taken by my husband last night. Today, I am pretty well snowed in, and I plan on spending the day enjoying life's simple pleasures. Playing with my little ones, and working on some handmade ornaments for family. I want to challenge each and every one of you to do something you've been putting off. Whether it's an issue of making time, or feeling like you can't do it right, whatever. Before the weekend is over, do one thing that's been on your list. Try a new technique, use a product you purchased but never opened, start a blog, whatever!!!! Do something fun that you'll enjoy.
Entering the Gypsy design challenge was an amazing experience!!! I'm pretty positive I won't win. In fact, if I did I would think somehow something was unfair, because I know there are projects that show far more talent and attention to detail then my own, but I am still proud I put myself in the running, that I tried! I enjoyed watching my own little video diary of the experience. I will always have that memory of the frantic day I spent trying to put that project together. I challenged and pushed myself in new directions, and I'm glad!
I added to my design, just for fun, because I thought it was too plain! I couldn't think of other things to add that followed the contest rules, so I had to wait until I'd already submitted. So, I'm sharing the updated design with you. I love Halloween, and I think it's so fun to have this up! It's SO sparkly, but I don't think that really shows in the photo too well.